
Evolvia - Humble beginnings video is out!

Welcome to Evolvia

July 17th 2011

We are now proud to present "Evolvia humble beginnings" a video log of the brief history of the development of the game, where it is at and where we are headed.

July 1st 2011

Evolvia is progressing amazingly. With our new artist Riaan who has joined the team, we are now moving to a more aesthetically pleasing landscape. The goals of Evolvia have changed now and is no longer to be considered a sandbox survival game.

You are stranded on a planet, but a lively one called Evolvia. Through mining, taking quests, visiting merchants and prospectors, you will discover riches, rare items, enemies and more.

If that wasn't enough you will be able to travel over the entire surface of the planet from dry deserts to lush jungles, cold wastelands and deep dark underground civilisations.

Head on over to the screenshots page to check out all the new art in action!